Wednesday, September 16, 2009

JasperReports v3.6: More Advanced Visualization for More Advanced Reporting Uses

I don’t often discuss Jaspersoft’s specific products in this blog, preferring to offer ideas and insights on the trends that are shaping the world of business intelligence. Today, though, I want to highlight the fact that we’ve launched a substantial new version of our flagship reporting tool that raises the bar in the world of reporting and advanced visualization: JasperReports Professional v3.6.

This new reporting engine, library and professional development environment (which includes iReport v3.6) includes new Flash-based geo-visualization and advanced charting capabilities. In fact, we’re including hundreds of advanced, 3-D graphs, maps and widgets to dramatically improve our customer’s data visualization experience. And we’ve tightly integrated this technology with the JasperReports engine and the iReport development environment to make a great total developer experience.

We’re very excited to deliver this advanced visualization technology for this important audience and market. As I commonly explain, our strategy is to deliver simple, powerful BI tools that are used by and considered useful for the widest possible audience. This release brings us closer to that goal.

I hope all of those developers who love JasperReports and iReport will check out our new product.

Brian Gentile
Chief Executive Officer


  1. Hi Brian,

    If we are a current customer and using Fusion Charts, is there information on how to integrate those two if we want to use the library of licensed charts we have purchased?

    We love the look of Fusion and are very excited they are tied to Japser now.

  2. Dave,

    Thanks for your question and thanks for being a JasperReports and iReport customer. Our integration work with the Flash-based visualization engine is meaningful and, unfortunately, incompatible with previous versions of JasperReports. So, you'll need JR Pro v3.6 to use the large library of Flash-based charts, maps and widgets. And, if you'd like to use this capability within JasperServer, we have a Winter release planned for that product which will include support for these Flash-based reports.

    Let me know if that answers your question.


